Last Year in Review


2023 proved to be constructive year in Geneva Township.   Geneva Township continued to be supportive of the community.  Capital Improvements and equipment upgrades were on the top of the Township’s agenda in 2023. Geneva Township is currently working with ODOT, Geneva City Schools and the City of Geneva on a plan for the Safe Route to School planning grant that was awarded to the Township.

Geneva Township again this year received the 2023 NOPEC Energized Community Event sponsorship and contributed it to the Geneva Community Improvement Corporation as they worked towards replacing their Community Message Sign.

As a direct result of our dedicated Road Department, the Township’s roads continue to be maintained and improved at an exceptional level. Their projects for 2023 include the following:

  • Installed 2100 feet of culvert pipe.
  • Worked with County on paving Maple Ave.
  • Completed cold paving on various roads.
  • Installed new walkway and drainage in front of Township Hall.
  • Worked with Ashtabula County on line stripping roads throughout the Township.
  • Completed chip sealing of 3.5 miles of road.
  • Corrected a sink hole on Jamison.
  • Purchased a Mower Max to sweep roads, cut brush back and do road side mowing.
  • Started construction of a new salt building with a storage capacity of approximately 1400 tons of salt.
  • Installed two catch basin’s and re-routed stormwater on Martha Ave.
  • Corrected a water problem on Addison Rd.
  • Worked with Geneva on the Lake to join the Lake County SID District to offer the Township residents funding opportunities for erosion issues.
  • Picked up numerous trees and limbs from storm damage.
  • Picked up several tires and trash throughout the Township.
  • Completed ditching as required.

Geneva Township Trustees

Tim Mills, Denny Brown and Tiffany Miller

Fiscal Officer

Tammy Caya